
Jens Walter
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Phys.
My scope of duties lies in the administration of the company and the further development of products and services. As founder of Riwalas, it is also important to me to solve complex problems to the satisfaction of our customers.
Apart the basis gained from my studies in physics, I have more than 15 years of experience in laser materials processing. I first became acquainted with this field at the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology in Aachen and broadened my knowledge in the area of laser metal deposition and laser hardening at the Centre for Production Technology in Stuttgart. I worked at this interdisciplinary institute as group leader for various research and development tasks in collaboration with experts in the field of machine tools and control and regulation technology and also helped to develop solutions for complex problems in the industry.
The conclusion of my academic work was my doctorate in engineering on the subject of "Process Control and Process Regulation in Laser Metal Deposition".
Ralf Ritzi
I am mainly responsible for managing the ongoing projects as well as our equipment and installations. Apart from quick and optimum processing of the orders, the care of our customers is very important to me as a founder of Riwalas.
I gained a solid basis through my studies in mechanical engineering in Stuttgart, where I came in contact with the laser technology very early on through my work at the Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge (Institute for Laser Beam Tools) and at the Centre for Production Technology in Stuttgart. The main areas of my work were the management of public and industrial projects with the focus on innovative technologies such as laser hardening, hot machining and laser metal deposition. As a result of this work, I have more than 20 years of experience in the field of laser technology in the meantime, which I use for the benefit of our customers.

Nathalie Parent
Dipl. Soz.-Päd. (FH)
Assistant to the management
I have spent almost half of my life in the "little country", as Baden-Württemberg is often referred to, so that I can hardly describe any of the outstanding services which our company offers in my native language for the lack of French technical terms. This shortcoming should be remedied during the preparation of the French version of this homepage at the latest. Mais pour l'heure, the usual large and small tasks of an assistant to the management shape my everyday work in various areas: Internet research, finance, organisation, PR, graphic design, customer acquisition and corporate policy. I greatly enjoy this variety without doing too many things at the same time, because thoroughness and reliability are of great importance to me.
From production to engineering
We cover the entire spectrum of laser surface treatment and provide support in all the relevant areas:
- Preliminary analyses incl. metallography
- Pre- and small batch production
- Contract manufacturing
- engineering
We can therefore provide expert and efficient help to support companies in implementing these processes at their facility. In conjunction with our cooperative partners, we can also offer services extending beyond this, e.g.
- Reworking of components
- Components for laser surface treatment
- Systems for laser hardening and laser metal deposition
- Process monitoring and control